Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Adoption Update - Here We Go!

So I admit I have been putting off the final jump into our home study. I was slowly chipping away and taking our time, and yesterday our agency called me to get the big ball rolling. I saw the number on my caller ID and had a knot in my stomach. Adopting has always been a dream of ours, but it is scary to actually step into it. I have had a lot of fears and I have let them get the better of me, finding ways to put things off for one more month. Most of all, I have been afraid that the finances will not work out and that we will be left hanging in the end. Once I answered the phone, there was talk of fingerprinting, social workers, Dr. appointments, smoke detectors and my head was totally spinning. So I called my friend Rachel who is in the end stages of her adoption and she spoke peace and life into me. Then she showed up on my doorstep with a beautiful orchid as a remind me of our sweet baby and the fact that we are not alone in our journey.

Today I woke up and although I am still a little shaky, I am ready to make my list. This is something I have tried not to do... make a list. Because it is going to be sooooooooo long! But I did it, and while I was writing, I had a profound realization: the reality is that my son or daughter may be out there somewhere right now waiting for me. Needless to say, this was the kick in the tush that I needed to get my head on straight and get some skin in the game. Then I checked the mail, where a little unexpected check was waiting for me. And when I went to work on our fundraiser before I went to bed (see previous post) I realized we had more orders that I thought! God knew I needed a little encouragement... haha.

So my plan for today is to make two doctor’s appointments for our physicals and get our references together. After that, I am going to Rachel’s house to go through the home study paperwork with her and get my bearings on the government stuff.

I am so thankful that God has surrounded us with an incredible support system. I don’t know how people do it without one. So here it is - now I am officially stepping off the edge of the cliff. Ahhhhhh!

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